Onderzoek naar geluk en gezondheid

Greater insight thanks to the Chair in Health and Happiness

In 2017, NN partnered with Ghent University to found the academic chair "Perspectives on a happy and healthy life". As an expert in protective cover, this is our way of contributing to the development of new health-related insights and raising awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

The project will last for two years and will ultimately produce a set of social recommendations aimed at schools, employers, government authorities and the general public.

Aller au site web belgesheureux.be

Ga naar de website gelukkigebelgen.be

Future Matters

What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?

The world of tomorrow, our children's future – that's what we at NN want to safeguard.

And that's why CSR was created: as a standard for measuring the extent to which companies do business in a socially responsible way. It's an umbrella term that refers to all the contributions that the company makes towards sustainable development.

This includes voluntary initiatives relating to People (social well-being), the Planet (the environment), Prosperity (a healthy economy) and Participation (organisational well-being). NN upholds the 4 Ps in the following ways:

  • People: looking out for the social well-being of its stakeholders
  • Planet: always thinking about social and environmental impacts
  • Prosperity: adopting a long-term perspective on profits
  • Participation: fostering entrepreneurship and initiative among stakeholders

NN employee initiatives

Our employees have their heart in the right place

Everybody who works for NN understands that they are in a good place. That's why our employees are so happy to support those who have been less fortunate, and who struggle with illness or poverty.

No2caNcer: supporting cancer research

The No2caNcer team raises money to support the fight against cancer by organising fun events that take place throughout the year. These have seen our employees selling healthy snacks such as soup and strawberries at lunchtime, or organising sporting events so that their colleagues can collect sponsorship.

All money raised is matched by the NN Management Team, and then donated to Belgian cancer charities such as the Kinderkankerfonds, "Kom op tegen Kanker" and Think Pink.

Visit our Facebook page to find out more about our recent events

No 2 Cancer

Les Restos du Cœur: food collection

Les Restos du Coeur is a social organisation founded in 1985 that looks after people in our community who do not have enough to eat. They do this by offering free meals to disadvantaged people, and by giving some of them work in order to reintegrate them into society.

NN was won over by this initiative, and now organises two collections each year of food and hygiene products among its employees. In this way, we have already managed to send hundreds of kilos of coffee, soup, ravioli and similar products to a useful destination.

Find out more about Les Restos du Coeur


Educating young people

We help young people to join the labour market

At NN, we want to show young people what the business world is really like before they have finished their studies. We also help a limited group of young people to obtain the diploma of their dreams.

Vlajo Innovation Camp

Vlajo stands for "Vlaamse Jonge Ondernemingen" – "Young Flemish Companies" – and is an organisation that builds bridges between education and the world of work. At a Vlajo Innovation Camp, teams of university students and pupils in third-level secondary education come together to take part in brainstorming sessions. The teams are assigned a particular problem, for which they need to devise an innovative solution. They receive advice from experts while they work, before finally drafting a business plan and presenting their ideas to a panel.

NN is an active partner in this initiative, and we ask young people to think about future needs in the insurance industry. In this way, they learn what is involved in developing a new product. If they come up with any interesting ideas then NN can get to work on them straight away.

Find out more about Vlajo

Vlajo Innovation Camp

NN Future Matters Scholarship Programme

The NN Future Matters Scholarship Programme provides disadvantaged students with a grant that allows them to study for a master's degree in finance, risk or economics in the Netherlands. The students are assigned an NN mentor who mentors them through the entire year of their course, and they can also take part in a number of workshops organised by NN.

One of the selected participants in this project is Maria, who is studying for a Master's in Economics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Watch Maria's testimonial

Find out how to apply