We protect you and your family for a lifetime.

Your family always comes first. And naturally we wish you a worry-free journey and a wonderful future, full of exciting plans. How do you protect yourself against unforeseen circumstances? But can you also make those dreams come true after you retire? And how will things continue when you are no longer here? Time to think about your family, material protection, what happens after you die and building up your reserves.

Focus on today, but be sure to think about tomorrow, too:

How do you protect your family against possible setbacks? 

How do you provide additional income for after you retire? 

How do you build your assets for retirement or to pay for a project? 

How do you plan today for your succession after you passed away? 

How do you protect your family against possible setbacks?

No one likes to talk about it, but… don’t leave it too late. If you do, what will happen to your business and, more importantly, to your family? With death insurance, you will save your nearest and dearest both money and headaches. But did you know that there’s more to protecting yourself than you’d think – and it’s often cheaper, too? 

How do you provide additional income for after your retire?

We’re living for longer and longer. So we need to make sure we can make ends meet with the pension capital we build up. Being frugal with our reserves is one option, but deciding to receive an extra income every month for life is another. This can be done in different ways, but they all have one thing in common: they help to narrow the gap with your last salary by quite a bit.

How do you build your assets for retirement or to pay for a project?

Got plans in place, or planning for the future? The first step towards financial peace of mind is to have a clear financial plan. That way, you can set funds aside in line with what you can afford. You can save – by taking out life insurance, for instance – or you can call on an expert in investing. Or else you can increase your assets and tax benefits yourself, while building up a supplementary pension at the same time. 

How do you plan today for your succession after you passed away?

Sooner or later the time comes when you have to say goodbye. If you talk about it in plenty of time and think about planning for what comes after you, you’ll make the business of inheritance and dealing with your estate that little bit easier. For example, you can reduce your inheritance tax by making a gift in your will or by taking out death insurance. And with a life insurance policy, you can make sure your dependants are not left out in the cold. Need more tips? 

How to avoid unexpected costs with our damage insurances?

Damage to your home or car is always unexpected. At NN, we understand that this can be annoying. That's why we do everything we can to help you as quickly as possible and make your life easier.