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A long-term illness or unfortunate accident can have more than just physical or psychological consequences. In fact, the effect can sometimes be massive for you, as well as your family and business. But a guaranteed income will at least save you from any financial headaches. And you should also consider accident insurance and even death cover. That way, no one is left out in the cold. 

Illness, accident or death? Protect yourself from the financial consequences. 

No one is immune from illness or accidents. And the adverse financial effects can sometimes be even greater for the self-employed. Fortunately, you can insure yourself against this kind of setback, or provide cover against the consequences of a business partner suddenly dropping out of the picture for some reason. Together, we can provide your family with additional financial protection. 


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Guaranteed income cover: the why, the premiums and the benefits. 

Guaranteed income insurance safeguards your income if you are unable to work for an extended period of time. There’s a flexible range of formulas to choose from and, depending on the degree of disability, you will receive an annuity payment that bridges the gap between the benefits you receive from the government and your take-home pay. Find out more about this and other solutions for ensuring financial peace of mind for you and your family.  

Giving your family security should you no be longer around 

No one likes to talk about it, but it is always worth doing something about it before it is too late. If you have made no arrangements in the event of your death, your loved ones will face a monetary loss on top of the devastating emotional blow. So, add a death cover component to your VAPZ or IPT pension and pay the premium from your pension capital. That way, if something happens, your family’s quality of life can be guaranteed. Look below to see how you can protect your loved ones after your death.

Philippe bart

NN solutions for protecting yourself

Additional financial protection for your family  

Having a death benefit in place enables you to ensure your financial wellbeing. It also gives you access to additional benefits on top of your policy cover that increases your wellbeing. 

NN Wellbeing Services for you and your family 

Prevention is better than cure. NN Wellbeing Services help you to boost your mental health and tackle the possibility of burnout before it happens.  

Also see how to protect your family after your death  

Choose the amount of capital you want to insure, plus the duration of your cover and the frequency of your premiums, etc. Insurance cover in the event of your death is flexible and will protect your loved ones from financial worries should the worst occur.  

Key person insurance: protect the stability of your business  

What would happen if you or another key person in your business were suddenly no longer there? Key person insurance helps limit the financial consequences, and your fixed overheads remain covered. Additional benefits in the event of disability or death are also possible. 

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