NN Strategy non-fiscal (Free investment in Branch 23)

NN Strategy non-fiscal (Free investment in Branch 23)

With a Branch 23 life insurance policy, you can invest at your own pace, with the potential of receiving a high return. Your money remains available and you enjoy the benefits associated with a life insurance policy.

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Branch 23 life insurance: invest at your own pace


Invest with the flexibility of a life insurance policy


Possible high return in the long term


Regular investing possible, from 100 euro per month

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NN Strategy free investment is a Branch 23 life insurance policy that allows you to invest at your own pace to achieve a potentially high return in the longer term. Your money remains available and there are also the benefits attached to a life insurance policy. NN Strategy free investment is aimed at customers looking to invest for at least 10 years. The policy provides a payout if the policyholder lives or dies.

More details are available in the Essential Information document, the document with additional pre-contractual information and the Management Regulations. 

Who is it for?

When taking out the cover, the policyholder must be a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 85 years and 364 days old. The policyholder's legal place of residence must be in Belgium. The retail investor targeted must have knowledge of and experience with a Branch 23 life insurance policy and be able to sustain the loss of the investment (capital). NN Strategy free investment is aimed at customers looking to invest for at least 5 years. NN Strategy provides a payout if the policyholder lives or dies.

Who is it not for?

NN Strategy is not subject to the regulations of the United States of America (USA) regarding the trading of securities, nor to the supervision of the US financial regulator, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).  For this reason, transactions linked to investment funds (Branch 23 products and cover) are not suitable or intended for individuals who may be qualified as a "US Person" in the broad sense. Click here for more information. 

  • Invest regularly, starting at 100 euro per month

    Invest at your own pace
    You can invest regularly, from just 100 euro per month. Or you can also invest by depositing a one-off minimum amount of 2 500 euro. After that, you can make free additional deposits, starting from 500 euro.
  • The flexibility of a life insurance policy

    NN Strategy Branch 23 is an individual Branch 23 life insurance policy, with no tax benefits, linked to investment funds

    - You are free to choose the insured person and the beneficiary(ies)
    - You do not pay withholding tax
    - You yourself select the funds that best suit your investor profile. Be sure to discuss this with your broker.

Find out more about our funds? Than visit our funds overview.

  • Potentially high return 

Your premiums are invested in investment funds. This gives you the possible long-term prospect of a potentially high return.

  • Options for a balanced investment

With NN Strategy Branch 23, you can elect to take attractive options for safeguarding (part of) your investment, limit any losses or maintain a balance in your investment.

Each year, you benefit from a free switch between funds.

Read all about it in: Options for NN Strategy funds

Determine with your broker what your investor profile is and what options are of interest for your investment and your profile. This is essential for investing sensibly.

  • With Branch 23, neither the capital or the return is guaranteed. Your return is determined by the way the funds in your policy perform. So it depends on market fluctuations.
  • If you can or wish to invest in investment funds for a short period, there is a financial risk attached. That risk is borne in full by the policyholder.
    There is no entitlement to profit-sharing.Important: The insurance company offers neither a capital guarantee nor a guarantee on the return of the Branch 23 part.  As a result, the policyholder may receive back less than the initial investment. The financial risk linked to the Branch 23 policy is borne in full by the policyholder.


  • Solvency risk: life insurance policies constitute, for each individual manager, a special asset that is managed separately within the assets of the insurer. Should the insurer go bankrupt, this special asset is reserved as a priority for meeting commitments to policyholders and/or beneficiaries.
  • Market risk: this is the risk of loss that may be caused by the price fluctuations of financial instruments in a portfolio.
  • Liquidity risk: this is the risk of loss that occurs when unfavourable market conditions affect the ability to sell (illiquid) assets when necessary.
  • Rate risk: risk of loss as the result of changes to interest rates on the valuation of financial instruments in a portfolio.
  • Credit risk: the risk that a borrower does not pay back the loan (in full). This can have the effect of generating a loss on the value of the portfolio.
  • Exchange rate risk: the risk that can occur as the result of the effect that fluctuations in exchange rates have on the valuation of financial instruments in a portfolio.
  • Political risk: if the value of an investment falls on account of the instability of political changes in the country(ies) where the investment has been made.
  • Operational risk: the risk of direct or indirect loss as the result of inadequate or failing processes related to determining the net asset value of a portfolio.

Discuss your investor profile with your broker. This is essential for investing sensibly.

    Some more information about Funds

    With NN Strategy Branch 23 you have the choice of various investment funds, within an open architecture. In addition to NN Asset Management funds, you can also invest in the funds of other known fund managers.

    Want to know more? -> Read our section on Funds on this website.

    Each Branch 23 investment fund, depending on its nature and the type of assets in which it invests, belongs to a specific risk class on a scale from 1 to 7 (where class 7 represents the highest risk). This class of risk reflects the volatility of the fund, i.e. the potential ups and downs of its net asset value. The risk class of a fund may change over time.
    Below is a list of the most important Branch 23 risks. For a more detailed overview, please refer to the respective information sheets per fund available on the websites of the underlying funds.

    - Counterparty risk: The underlying fund may incur a loss in the event that the counterparty is unable to meet its contractual obligations.
    - Settlement risk: Certain securities may become difficult to sell in the short term or must be sold at a loss at a certain point in time.
    - Management risk: During abnormal market movements, the usual management techniques of an investment fund may prove inefficient or unfavourable.
    - Risk due to deviating instruments: Certain deviating instruments may increase the volatility of the underlying fund or expose its composition to losses greater than the price of these deviating instruments.
    - Operational risks: In all markets, particularly new markets, underlying funds may lose some or all of their capital as a result of asset mismanagement, fraud, corruption, political movements or other undesirable events.

    Tax matters

    • This is a non-fiscal investment policy
    • You do not pay any withholding tax
    • Premium taxes:
      • 2% for private individuals
      • 4.4% for legal entities

    These rules apply in accordance with current tax legislation and are subject to change in the future. 
    In the event of changes to the tax rules, NN Insurance Belgium nv cannot be held liable for the consequences. 
    Tax treatment depends on the individual situation of the customer and may change in the future. 
    Wherever reference is made to a tax system or regime, this needs to be understood as the tax system or regime that applies to an average retail customer living in Belgium in the capacity of a natural person (private individual).

    Charges and premiums


    - Periodic premium: minimum 100 euro per month
    - One-off premium: minimum of 2500 euro. After that you are free to make additional payments of 500 euro or more.


    One-off charges:

    • Entry costs: A maximum of 4.5% on all premiums: 0.5% for the company and a maximum remuneration of 4% for your insurance intermediary.
    • Surrender fees:
      • There are no surrender fees if the sum of the surrender amounts does not exceed 10% of the value of the contract.
      • On the part above 10% you pay a surrender fee of 4.8%. These decrease by 0.1% per month elapsed, calculated from the entry into force of the contract.
      • From the 5th year onwards, there are no surrender fees.

    Management fees:

    • Maximum 0.96% per year. They are withdrawn at the unit value determined by the fund manager.

    View your NN Strategy contract(s) in the NN Connect-app

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    Important documents

    It is necessary to read the Essential Information Document & Document Other Pre-contractual Information before purchasing, subscribing, accepting, signing or opening an NN Strategy contract;
    You will find the pre-contractual documents that apply prior to 14th January 2020 under legal documents.

    Any other questions? Your broker will be happy to advise you.

    Algemene voorwaarden
    Document met aanvullende precontractuele informatie - algemeen
    Precontractueel document inzake duurzaamheid - Retail niet fiscaal
    Document met precontractuele informatie duurzaamheid
    Essentiële informatiedocument (EID / KID)
    NN Strategy & Scala Invest - Presentatie van de prestaties in het verleden
    Conditions générales
    Document d'informations précontractuelles complémentaires - généralités
    Document précontractuel de durabilité - Retail non fiscal
    Document d'informations précontractuelles durabilité
    Document d'information clé (DIC / KID)
    Règlement de gestion
    NN Strategy & Scala Invest - Présentation des informations relatives aux performances passées

    Legal information

    • NN Strategy non-fiscal is a life insurance policy made up of investments linked to investment funds (Branch 23) with no capital guarantee. It is a product from NN Insurance Belgium, a company incorporated under Belgian law.
    • Applicable law: Belgian law
    • Term: the maturity date for the product is determined by the policyholder. In principle, the term is a minimum of 5 years, but may not last longer than the 120th birthday of the person insured. NN cannot terminate the policy unilaterally. The policy expires on full surrender by the policyholder, on the maturity date or on the death of the policyholder before the maturity date.
    • Before you subscribe to the NN Strategy product as a customer, it is important to go through the documentation about this specific product. See the documents under “Important documents” on this page.
    • Exclusions and restrictions: For this product, the Branch 23 part is not suitable for US Persons. NN Belgium does not act with regard to the Branch 23 part under the supervision of the US regulator, the SEC. Click here for more information

    If you have a complaint about your NN policy, please contact NN, Quality Care Center, 38 Fonsnylaan, 1060 Brussels. Send an e-mail in the first instance to klachten@nn.be. Or contact the Consumer Ombudsman Service at the Insurance Ombudsman, 35 de Meeûssquare, 1000 Brussels. Tel: +32(0)2 547 58 71, fax: +32(0)2 547 59 75, info@ombudsman.as, www.ombudsman.as. It is also possible at all times to take legal action.

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