Self-employed but never on your own

As a self-employed professional, you don't place too much faith in social security. That's why you take your own protective measures. The right insurance cover will protect you, your family and your business when times get tough. In many cases, the premiums are also tax deductible as company expenses.

Income protection in the event of incapacity for work

Protect your personal standard of living and that of your family against an unexpected drop in income due to incapacity for work as a result of illness or accident.

For example:

- a replacement income will protect both your standard of living and that of your family
- NN takes over paying the premiums for your pension savings and your death cover during the period of your incapacity for work (premium waiver)
- a bridging annuity to pay your fixed costs for a defined period
- an extra payout in the event of full and permanent incapacity for work due to an accident

Cover for incapacity for work (also known as guaranteed income) is available as part of the following solutions:

- Private Supplementary Pension for the Self-Employed (VAPZ) – Scala Free Pension

- Individual Pension Agreement (IPT) – Scala Privilege

- Group insurance for company directors – Scala Executive


Protection of your family in the event of your death

Whatever happens, you want to safeguard your family's quality of life, their future needs and dreams, and their fixed costs. That's why you should make plans and take precautions now.

After all, you can calculate in advance and insure against the financial impact of premature death. It also often costs less than you think, and offers tax benefits if you pay for it through your company.

Omni Care is an insurance policy tailored to your personal situation that replaces the lost income to your family.

Hypo Care is a cost-effective outstanding balance insurance policy linked to your mortgage.

It is also possible to take out optional death cover as part of your employer pension fund, private supplementary pension or group insurance policy for company directors.

Protection for your company's fixed overheads

Are you a key figure within your company, and does its financial stability depend (largely) on your activities? What happens if you are unable to work for a period or – even worse – unexpectedly pass away? That would have an immediate impact. The right protection will ensure that the bills get paid and that your working capital remains available.

With a company director insurance policy, you can take out cover for incapacity for work, such as:

- payment of an annuity to cover your overheads and to guarantee the financial continuity of your company
- NN takes over paying the premiums for your pension and death cover for the entire duration of your incapacity for work (premium waiver)
- payment of a death lump sum
- an extra payout in the event of full and permanent incapacity for work due to an accident

Learn more about the financial stability offered by the Scala Keyman company director insurance.

Optimum and hassle-free asset transfer

A life insurance policy offers specific options for transferring your assets quickly and cost-effectively – especially if you own a company.

You can also insure for your death duties and other costs in advance. What's more, this offers an attractive way of preparing your estate for inheritance.

Succession Care mitigates the impact of high inheritance costs on your next of kin

Donation Care protects your next of kin from costs incurred should you prematurely pass away after making a gift

Protection for your business partners and shareholders

The death of a business partner has an automatic impact on the balance of shareholdings in the company, as the shares are transferred to your heirs. What might this mean for your company, your business partners and your staff – as well as for the heirs themselves, of course? It's worth thinking about this and discussing it in advance...

A specific death insurance policy such as Omni Care, combined with a shareholder agreement with a purchase option, offers a solution that ensures maximum continuity while respecting the rights of all parties

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