NN Funds

Funds NN

You can find an overview of the current values of all our funds below, listed by each savings and investment solution. Our specialists constantly analyse the risks and performance of each fund. This allows us to guarantee the best possible return at all times.

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Do you know your investor profile? If not, then make sure you look at the information here first.

Determine your investor profile

NN has a wide selection of funds, with risk classes to suit every investor profile. We offer a number of different choices and categories, including themed funds, funds for different sectors, geographical funds and monetary funds.

What's more, you make your choices within an open architecture. That means you can invest in funds from other reputable managers alongside the NN Asset Management funds.

It is crucial that you work with your broker to define your investor profile. This will help you to immediately understand which funds are best suited to you, your investment horizon and your budget.

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Explanation of the risk classes

The risk class scale runs from 1 (lowest risk) to 7 (highest risk).

A new scale came into force on 1 January 2018, and is shown in the table on this page.

Please note: Underlying funds still work with the pre-2018 risk classification and volatility scales. The risk classes of the underlying funds may be greater than the risk classes of the Branche 23 / Tak 23 insurance funds.

Risk classes Old percentages As of 01/01/2018
Risk class 1: standard deviation between 0% and 0,5% 0% and 0,5%
Risk class 2: standard deviation between 0,5% and 2% 0,5% and 5%
Risk class 3: standard deviation between 2% and 5% 5% and 12%
Risk class 4: standard deviation between 5% and 10% 12% and 20%
Risk class 5: standard deviation between 10% and 15% 20% and 30%
Risk class 6: standard deviation between 15% and 25% 30% and 80%
Risk class 7: standard deviation greater than 25% 80%

Definitions of terms used

Mixed funds: Classic mixed investments in shares and bonds and cash. The distribution between these assets generally remains stable.

Flexible funds: In these mixed funds, it is possible to actively invest in shares, fixed interest securities, currencies, bonds, commodities and real estate. The manager may depart considerably from the percentage allocated to shares depending on market circumstances, while remaining aligned to the fund's core policy. The goal is to react to upward trends and to cushion against falls.

Current value:

  • in Branche 21 / Tak 21: applicable interest rate (in %)
  • in Branche 23 / Tak 23: unit value calculated based on the most recent price (in the currency of the fund)

YTD return: The net return of an investment fund from the start of the current year until now (the most recent available price). This shows how the fund has performed over the current year so far.

1, 3, 5 and 10-year return: The net return on the internal fund (after management fees) over a period of 1, 3, 5 or 10 years. This refers to previous calendar years. For example: a "3-year return" in May 2018 will refer to the return during the period between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2017.