Legal reporting obligation to the Central Point of Contact of the National Bank of Belgium

In accordance with the law of 8 July 2018 on the organisation of a Central Point of Contact for accounts and financial contracts (hereafter: CPC) and extending access to the central database of notifications of attachment, delegation, transfer, collective debt settlement and protest, NN Insurance Belgium nv/SA is obliged to report to the CPC the identification data of its customers and the existence or the end of the existence of a contractual relationship with the customer with regard to life insurance contracts under branch 21, 23, 25 or 26. These data will be stored by the CPC.


The CPC is a central database hosted by the National Bank of Belgium (hereinafter: NBB) which contains bank account numbers and types of contracts, including savings and investment insurance contracts, held by natural and legal persons with financial institutions in Belgium, whether or not they reside in Belgium.

Which data

NN Insurance Belgium nv/SA (responsible for the processing of the personal data) provides the CPC with the following data:

(1) for natural persons: the identification number in the Belgian National Register of natural persons or, if not available, the identification number in the Social Security Crossroads Bank or, if not available, the surname, the first official first name, the date of birth or, if the correct date is unknown or uncertain, the year of birth, place of birth if known, and country of birth;

(2) for legal persons: the registration number in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises or, if not available, the full name, any legal form and the country of establishment;

(3) the existence or the end of the existence of a contractual relationship with the customer, together with its date.

(4) once a year, the globalised amount, the sum of all reserves of the current insurance contracts on 31/12.


Subject to strict conditions laid down in law, parties entitled to access the information (the tax administration, mandated bailiffs, any person in whose name data is registered with the CPC, members of staff of the NBB, etc.) can consult the CPC in order to view the stored data if there are indications of tax fraud, in the context of tax collection, with regard to the investigation of criminal offences or in the context of the fight against money laundering, the financing of terrorism or serious crimes.

Retention period

The retention period for data notified to the CPC is:

(1) for data relating to the existence of a contractual relationship involving a particular category of financial contracts: ten years from the end of the calendar year during which NN Insurance Belgium nv/SA notified the CPC of the end of the contractual relationship involving the category of financial contracts in question;

(2) for identification data: at the end of the last calendar year of a continuous period of ten calendar years during which no data concerning the existence of a contractual relationship relating to any category of the aforementioned life insurance contracts was recorded with the CPC in relation to the person concerned.

After the expiry of the aforementioned retention period, the NBB will irreversibly delete the expired data. The list of requests for information from the CPC submitted by those parties entitled to access information is kept by the NBB for two calendar years.

Right of consultation, rectification and deletion

Natural and legal persons have the right to inspect the data recorded in their name with the CPC at the NBB. In the event of incorrect data, the person concerned has the right to correct and delete the aforementioned data. In such a situation, you should preferably contact NN Insurance Belgium nv/SA.

Additional information

For additional information, you can always contact the CPC:

  • by telephone on + 32 2 221 30 08 (from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.),
  • by e-mail at the following address:
  • in writing: National Bank of Belgium, Central Point of Contact, boulevard de Berlaimont/de Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels