Privacy statement

Shortened version of the privacy statement

Your personal data is essential for us to provide a good service

Your personal data is important for us. Without having your details, such as your name and address, we are unable to enter into any agreement with you and cannot help you as a customer. It is for that reason that we process your personal data. We always deal very carefully with that information.

This statement is intended for potential, current and former policyholders, persons insured and/or beneficiaries of an insurance contract with NN Insurance Belgium NV/SA and/or NN Non-Life as a Belgian Branch of Nationale Nederlanden Schadeverzekering Maatschappij NV, including their representatives and effective beneficiaries, as well as any other person whose personal data is processed by NN.

What is your personal data?

Personal data is information that tells us something about you. That might be your name, date of birth or account number. These are the kind of details we ask for when you take out a (potential) insurance with us. 

personal data

Privacy statement in full

The way we deal with your personal data is set out in our Privacy Statement. In it, you’ll read about how we protect your data and what rights you have. As you would expect, we adhere to the rules laid down in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The main points from the Privacy Statement are set out for you below.

View the full Privacy Statement here

This is how we handle your personal data

We only use your data for clearly defined purposes

The most important reason we use your personal data is for an agreement to be implemented. If, for example, you purchase one of our products and there is an agreement involved, we will need details about you. And our customer service department uses your data to assist you when you need it. We may also use information about you so that we can assess the risks involved properly. We also use it to prevent fraud and to enable us to match our communication and service with your personal situation. In addition, we are also obliged by law to collect certain items of your personal data, such as your national registration number.

We never share your data with others, without proper reason

We will never sell your data to third parties. However, we will share your data with others in cases where it is necessary for the fulfilment of your agreement. For example, if you have an indemnity policy with us, we may send your personal details to a loss adjuster as part of a claim process. We will also share your data with third parties where we are obliged to do so by law, but only where you have granted us your permission for us to do so, or if we have proper grounds, such as combating fraud.

You can check, modify and transfer your personal data

You have a number of rights where your personal data is concerned and can view your personal data and have it amended at any time. At your request, we can transfer your data to you or, in certain cases to another service provider. And in some cases, we can delete your data for you.

For the full list of your rights and a description of how to execute them, please see out the Full Privacy Statement.

We make sure your data is properly protected

Your personal data is securely protected at all times and our specialist staff keep a close eye on the security of our data traffic. We take action immediately should anything go wrong. And if any action is required, we will tell the compliance officer and you.
