NN Scala Executive

NN Scala Executive

Scala Executive is a group insurance policy for senior executives. With it, you save for a supplementary pension and the policy provides income protection. In this way, Scala Executive offers a solution if your company has various senior executives who are self-employed.

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Why have group insurance for senior executives


Supplementary pension plan for self-employed senior executives who have monthly remuneration in your company


Fiscally attractive solution


Optional cover to protect yourself, your partner and/or your family in the event of work disability and death


This product enables a supplementary pension to be built up via the company in a tax-efficient manner for groups of self-employed company managers, whether or not with additional protection against the financial consequences of death and/or work disability. 

Who is it for?

This product is intended for companies
* that wish to supplement the pension of a category of their self-employed company managers consisting of more than 1 person in a tax-efficient manner;
* that are prepared to take the risk (in the form of value fluctuations) to build up the pension and/or
* that are particularly interested in the additional protection against the financial consequences of death and/or work disability. 

Who is it not for?

This product is not suitable
* when at least one of the persons insured has the status of an employee or public servant, or when the self-employed persons do not have the status of "self-employed company manager";
* for companies that are not prepared to take a risk (in the form of value fluctuations) to build up the pension;
* when at least one of the persons insured has 5 years or less to go until retirement age.

  • Possible tax benefit

Your company pays the premiums, with you and any other senior executives as beneficiary(ies). Your company can deduct the premiums as professional expenses, within the limits of the 80% rule.

The rule states that statutory and supplementary pensions, expressed in annual benefits, may not be more than 80% of the last gross annual remuneration. No consideration is taken of policies taken out individually, such as pension savings.

  • A potentially higher return 
    • Branch 23: no capital guarantee, a wide range of funds to suit your personal risk profile .
    • Financial options: limit your risk with the Stop-Loss option or drip switch.
    • Fund of funds: for each risk profile our experts select various funds that they manage actively.

Find out more about our funds? Than visit our funds overview.

  • Optional risk cover

the optional risk cover for Death and Work Disability will give you more financial security.

These protective risk covers may compensate for part of any loss of income if you are suddenly unable to work due to illness or accident. That way you can limit the impact on your family income if something happens to you.

Read more about the optional risk covers for Death and Work Disability.

  • Invest in property with Scala Executive

Looking to build, buy or renovate? If so, you can use your Scala Executive group insurance.

  • Take a low-cost advance on the reserve in your policy
  • Or pledge your policy if you buy, build or renovate a property


  • Catch up on contributions from the past

In certain cases, you can pay premiums for the past service. This is called a back-service. Were you an employee for a number of years before you became self-employed? If you were, then you can make previous years. You can go back a maximum of 10 years – and the 80% rule also applies here.
As a company, you can also deduct the back-service in full as a professional expense.

Discuss with your broker which option is the most interesting for you.

  • For investments in Branch 23, the capital and return are not guaranteed. The financial risk is borne in full by the policyholder. Your return depends on movements in the value of the underlying funds. There is no entitlement to profit-sharing.

Discuss with your broker what your investor profile is. This is essential for investing sensibly.

Tax matters

Company premiums and personal premiums for pension/death

  • Tax: 4.4% on the premiums
  • Tax of 9.25% on profit-sharing allocations
  • Wijninckx levy of 3% if the supplementary pensions exceed the annual statutory ceiling. See the product sheet for more details.
  • Tax benefit: deductible for the company under the 80% rule. This rules states that capital amounts generated in the event of life, expressed in annual benefits and statutory pension included, may not exceed 80% of the last normal gross salary.

Premiums for Work Disability

  • Tax: 4.4%

Outpayment on retirement

  • RIZIV/INAMI contribution: 3.55% on the total gross amount
  • Solidarity contribution: between 0 and 2%
  • Tax: varies between 20 and 10%; tax rate depends on age at the moment of payout and career (see product sheet for details)
  • Municipal tax in addition to the tax rate
  • Payout in the form of an annuity: in addition to the tax stated above, withholding tax of 30% on 3% of relinquished capital.

Outpayment on death

  • 3.55% RIZIV/INAMI contribution if the beneficiary is the surviving partner. If this is not the case, no RIZIV/INAMI contribution is owed.
  • Solidarity contribution: between 0 and 2% if the beneficiary is the surviving partner. If this is not the case, no solidarity contribution is owed.
  • Tax on capital on death: 16.5% (+ municipal tax) and inheritance duty
  • Municipal tax calculated on the above tax rate
  • Payout in the form of an annuity: in addition to the tax stated above, withholding tax of 30% on 3% of the divested capital

Please go through all of the information and details about all taxes in the product sheet

Product sheet Scala Executive for the self-employed


Fees and premiums


- Minimum: 1,500 euro per year or 1,000 euro per year if combined with a group or key person policy

- Maximum: the final pension accrued may not be more than 80% of your last normal gross annual remuneration.
To calculate your final pension, your statutory pension and other supplementary policies, such as a Free Supplementary Pension (VAPZ) or a group insurance policy will be taken into consideration.

The premiums for the supplementary covers are calculated in addition to this budget (excluding the premium for death cover).


  • Entry fee: maximum 7%
  • Entry fees for additional guarantees: 2%
  • Commission: maximum 5%
  • Management fees: maximum 5% per year
  • Switching costs for transferring reserves from branch 23 to branch 21: 2%.
  • Change of investment type: free once a year, then per additional change: EUR 37.18 the first time, EUR 111.55 the second time and EUR 185.92 from the third time onwards.
  • Redemption and withdrawal fee: Maximum 5% of gross reserves

Read full details about fees in the Product sheet Scala Executive for the self-employed

Important documents

It is necessary to read the Information Financial Fact Sheet & the General Terms and Conditions before purchasing, registering, entering into, accepting, signing or opening a NN Scala exacutive

Algemene voorwaarden NN Scala Executive
Productfiche Scala executive voor zelfstandigen
Beheersreglement Tak 21
Beheersreglement Tak 23
Precontractueel document inzake duurzaamheid - Scala
Precontractuele documenten inzake duurzaamheid
Conditions générales Scala
Fiche produit Scala executive pour indépendants
Règlement de gestion Branche 21
Règlement de gestion Branche 23 Scala
Document précontractuel de durabilité - Scala
Documents précontractuel de durabilité

Legal information

  • Scala executive is a cafeteria type group insurance with pension accumulation via investment funds branch 23 without capital guarantee
  • Applicable law: Belgian law
  • The minimum term is 5 years. Account is taken of the social and fiscal regulations regarding term, age on subscribing and final age.
  • Before signing on as a customer to the NN Scala executive, it is important to go through the documentation about this specific product. See the documents under “Important document” on this page.
  • Exclusions and restrictions: For this product, the Branch 23 portion is not suitable for US Persons. In relation to the Branch 23 portion, NN Belgium does not act under the supervision of the US regulator, the SEC. Click here for more information.


If you have a complaint about your NN policy, please contact NN, Quality Care Center, 38 Fonsnylaan, 1060 Brussels. Send an e-mail in the first instance to klachten@nn.be. Or contact the Consumer Ombudsman Service at the Insurance Ombudsman, 35 de Meeûssquare, 1000 Brussels. Tel: +32(0)2 547 58 71, fax: +32(0)2 547 59 75, info@ombudsman.as, www.ombudsman.as. It is also possible at all times to take legal action.

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