NN Group
NN Insurance Belgium nv is a part of NN Group. NN Group is an international insurer and asset manager, active in 10 countries with a strong presence in Europe and Japan. With approximately fifteen thousand employees, NN Group offers products and services in the areas of pensions, insurance, investments, and banking.
NN Group's more than 19 million customers range from individuals, SMEs to large enterprises and institutional banks. We serve our customers through independent advisors, insurance agents, banks, our own websites, and call centers.
NN Group is listed on Euronext Amsterdam.

We have market presence in Belgium since 1913 and offer Insurances, Pension, Savings & Investments and Investment Management.
In France we offer investment management.
We have market presence in Bulgaria since 2001 and offer Life Insurance, Mandatory Pensions and Voluntary Pensions.
Czech Republic
We have market presence in Czech Republic since 1992 and offer Life Insurance, Voluntary Pensions and Investment Management.
In Germany we offer investment management.
We have market presence in Greece since 1982 and offer Life Insurance and Investment Management.
In Italy we offer investment management.
We have market presence in Hungary since 1991 and offer Life Insurance, Mandatory Pensions, Voluntary Pensions and Investment Management.
We have market presence in Luxembourg since 1994 and offer Life Insurance and Investment Management.
We have market presence in Japan since 1986 and offer Life Insurance and Investment Management.
We have market presence in Poland since 1995 and offer Life Insurance, Mandatory Pensions and Investment Management.
The Netherlands
We have market presence in the Netherlands since 1845 and offer Pensions, Life Insurance, Non-Life Insurance, Banking and Investment Management.
We have market presence in Romania since 1997 and offer Life Insurance, Mandatory Pensions, Voluntary Pensions and Investment Management.
We have market presence in Spain since 1978 and offer Life Insurance and Investment Management.
We have market presence in Slovakia since 1996 and offer Life Insurance, Mandatory Pensions, Voluntary Pensions and investment management.
In Switzerland we offer investment management.
United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom we offer investment management.