As a cattle farmer Philippe takes loving care of his cows. And as a music enthusiast he runs a record store in what used to be the milk room. To use his own words: “The farm is one bubble, the record store is another. Sometimes they go together perfectly. And sometimes they conflict. For instance, sometimes a customer in the record store has to wait a bit because I’m performing a caesarean in the next room.” In short: Philippe ticks more than just one box. But then again, who doesn’t? We are all unique. And that is precisely why NN wants to make insurance more personal. Because you have your story. And Philippe has his.
Edmond: engine driver and conductor

“An orchestra and a locomotive are comparable: they are both capricious.”
Lidia: psychologist and salsa teacher

“It’s like having a mother and a father tongue: together they make me who I am.”
Sarah: stylist and grave restorer

“There are loads of opportunities if you’re dexterous and enthusiastic.”
Brokers who listen
You are unique too. That is why our brokers offer help and advice tailored to your story.