NN Home Insurance Documents


The home insurance applies to dwellings that you own or rent out yourself, and to dwellings or apartments you rent. NN Home Insurance may include insurance for the Building, Tenant liability, Contents (possibly with Theft), Garden Insurance and Legal Assistance Insurance.

NN Family Insurance is a liability insurance policy that compensates damage you cause to other people’s things, such as a vase that you accidentally knock over from your friends. Or if someone else is injured by your fault. Our NN Family Insurance provides comprehensive cover for large and small claims to others.


It is necessary to read the information document on the insurance product (IPID) and the general terms and conditions before purchasing, subscribing to, accepting, signing NN Home & Family Insurance.

Prefer to read in French? Click here.


De woningverzekering geldt voor woningen in eigendom die je zelf bewoont of verhuurt, en voor woningen of appartementen die je huurt. De NN Home Insurance kan de verzekeringen voor het Gebouw, de Huurdersaansprakelijkheid, de Inhoud (eventueel met Diefstal), de verzekering Tuin en de verzekering Rechtsbijstand bevatten.

De NN Family Insurance is een aansprakelijkheidsverzekering die  schade vergoedt die je veroorzaakt aan zaken van anderen, zoals een vaas die je per ongeluk omstoot bij vrienden. Of als iemand anders door jouw schuld letsel oploopt. Met onze NN Family Insurance worden grote en kleine schades aan anderen uitgebreid gedekt.


Het is noodzakelijk om het informatiedocument over het verzekeringsproduct en de algemene voorwaarden te lezen vóór de aankoop van, inschrijving op, toetreding tot, aanvaarding van, ondertekening van de NN Home & Family Insurance

Legal information

The insurer of this product is NN Non-life (NBB 2925), the Belgian branch of Nationale Nederlanden Schadeverzekering Maatschappij nv.

NN Non-life – VAT number BE 0801.866.930 RPR Brussels, located at Fonsnylaan 38, 1060 Brussels, under the supervision of the NBB accredited under code 2925 and authorised to take out insurance in Belgium on the basis of freedom of establishment in Belgium. Belgian branch of Nationale-Nederlanden Schadeverzekering Maatschappij N.V., insurance company under Dutch law, under the supervision of the DNB and authorised under code number NBB 2925, with registered office at Prinses Beatrixlaan 35, 2595 AK 's-Gravenhage, The Netherlands – Chamber of Commerce number 27023707

Read more about the Segmentation Policy for NN Home Insurance.
Read more about the Segmentation Policy for NN Family Insurance.

Read more here about the privacy statement of NN Non-life.

If you have a complaint about your NN policy, please contact NN Non-life, 38 Fonsnylaan, 1060 Brussels. Send an e-mail in the first instance to mycomplaint@nn.be. Or contact the Consumer Ombudsman Service at the Insurance Ombudsman, 35 de Meeûssquare, 1000 Brussels. Tel: +32(0)2 547 58 71, fax: +32(0)2 547 59 75, info@ombudsman.be, www.ombudsman.be. It is also possible at all times to take legal action.