Life insurance glossary

Insurance is often a complex matter. Here is a glossary to help you see things more clearly.

A - Tax advantage  

Several life insurance solutions offer a tax benefit and thus reduce taxes. Of course, pension savings and long-term savings are the best known, but you can also receive a tax benefit from your group insurance premiums as a worker. For self-employed people, a PSPS, PCS, IPA or an INAMI contract are also tax-efficient products.

B - Branch 21 and branch 23

These two concepts are discussed frequently with respect to insurance. But what is the difference?

  • branch 21 insurance policy offers a guaranteed interest rate, possibly supplemented by a profit sharing bonus. Due to low-interest rates, this guaranteed interest rate has declined significantly over the past decade.
  • With a branch 23 insurance policy, the return depends on one or more underlying investment funds. You can expect a better return, but you must also take into account the investment risk.

C - Cancer

The dreaded C-word. A cancer diagnosis at any given time is always a shock, with a possible financial impact, worries at work, etc. Hospitalisation insurance will protect you financially against medical expenses, while guaranteed income insurance will protect you against a loss of income. Some types of outstanding balance insurance provide for a separate capital payment in the event of a cancer diagnosis. 

D - Discrimination

In the past, men paid more than women for death coverage because they live shorter lives on average. However, discrimination on the basis of sex has not been allowed in recent years. In other words, there is no longer any difference in premium between men and women for the same insurance product.

E - Early start 

Saving for your pension is essential. The earlier you start, the bigger your supplementary pension capital will be. It is therefore in your interest to start saving for a pension as soon as possible (preferably as early as your 18th birthday), even if your pension is the last thing on your mind. 

F - Family

Insurance products offer many options to protect your loved ones financially, from savings plans for your (grand)children to accident or hospitalisation insurance and death coverage for you and your family. Your broker will explain all of the possibilities in detail.

G - Group insurance

Are you an employee and do you have group insurance through your employer? There is a good chance that your employer will pay part of the premium and you will pay the rest. What you pay is also called a "personal contribution" and may entitle you to a tax benefit.

H - Housing loan  

When you take out a home loan or a mortgage, the lending organisation may also ask you to take out outstanding balance insurance and fire insurance. However, you are not required to take out this insurance with the same company or bank which gave you the loan. It is even worthwhile to ask your broker to find the best outstanding balance insurance policy. The reduction you would receive on the rate of your loan if you take out your outstanding balance insurance with the same bank would soon be irrelevant if the outstanding balance insurance is more expensive than elsewhere.

I - Individual Pension Agreement (IPA)

This insurance can only be taken out by self-employed people with a company. The aim is to save for a supplementary pension. The company pays the premiums and can also deduct them as a professional expense (provided that the remuneration is regular and the 80% rule is respected). The self-employed person is the actual beneficiary. This is a very secure solution, as the IPA reserve is protected even in the event of the company's bankruptcy.

J - Just for you

An insurance broker will find the best offer on the market for you. He or she will compare the conditions and rates for different insurers and find the solution which suits you best. This is the main difference with respect to insurance agents: they can only offer products from their own company.

K – Keep your standard of living

Various life insurance products are a perfect solution for building up a supplementary pension. This is an absolute necessity if you want to maintain your standard of living after retirement. There are tailor-made insurance solutions for individuals (pension savings and long-term savings), self-employed people without a company (Private Supplementary Pension for the Self-employed, or PSPS, and Pension Commitment for the Self-employed, or PCS), self-employed people with companies (PSPS and Individual Pension Agreement, or IPA) and companies (group insurance). Finally, there is also the INAMI contract for the medical and paramedical professions. Each solution has its own terms and tax benefits.

L - Long-term savings

Long-term savings allow you to save for your pension in a tax-efficient way, with the maximum premium calculated according to your income. The tax benefit is 30%. The absolute maximum premium is €2,310 (in 2018), which corresponds to a tax benefit of €693.

M - Matrimonial regime

The choice of matrimonial regime will be important for the transfer of your estate. In the event of death, the notary will always look for the applicable matrimonial regime. The inheritance rights will be determined based on this. The matrimonial regime will also have an impact on whether the capital of a life insurance policy is individual or common property. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact your broker.

N - New property

Are you self-employed and would like to invest in property? A bullet loan combined with a supplementary pension plan is therefore the ideal solution. A bullet loan consists in borrowing a certain amount of money (e.g. the purchase price for the property or the total cost of the transformation works), and when you receive your supplementary pension plan capital, you repay the entire amount of your bullet loan. In the meantime, you only pay interest.

O - Outstanding balance insurance  

When you take out a mortgage, you reimburse a fixed amount each month. But if you suddenly die, the monthly payments will continue to run, with the risk that your partner or loved ones will face some financial difficulties and will no longer be able to pay off the mortgage. To avoid this situation, you can take out an outstanding balance insurance policy which will (partially) cover the payment of premiums upon your death.

Differences in terms of coverage and conditions can be very significant from one insurance company to another. If you have diabetes, some insurers will ask you for an extra premium and others will not (under certain conditions).

P - Private Supplementary Pension for the Self-employed (PSPS)

This is an advantageous supplementary pension solution for the self-employed. A PSPS makes it possible to pay less tax and less social contributions. You have the choice between two formulas:

  • the classic PSPS: you can pay up to 8.17% of your net taxable professional income, with an absolute maximum of 3,187.04 euros (in 2018).
  • socialPSPS: you can pay up to 9.40% of your net taxable professional income, with an absolute maximum of €3,666.85 (in 2018). You also benefit from some additional guarantees, such as disability and death coverage.

Q - Medical questionnaire

If you wish to take out a life insurance policy, often your insurer will assess your health first with a few short questions or a more elaborate questionnaire. The insurer may also sometimes ask you to have a medical check-up. Your medical data will be treated with the greatest discretion by the insurer and will be used to determine the right rate and conditions. 

R - Receiving your capital

When you conclude an insurance contract in order to save money, a maturity date is often set. This is the date on which the capital saved will be paid out. This does not apply in the case of a supplementary pension. In this case, the capital can only be paid at the statutory pension age or if you meet the conditions for an early statutory pension. This rule applies to all second pillar pensions, such as PSPS, IPA, PCS, INAMI contracts and group insurance. 

S - Solution for health professionals

If you work in a medical or paramedical profession, you receive an annual allowance with an INAMI contract. This allowance provides you with a supplementary pension and/or protects you against the financial consequences of work incapacity or death. This is possible with an INAMI contract, which is a tailor-made insurance solution for health professionals.

T - Transferring your estate

Insurance products allow you to pass on (part of) your estate to the next generation in a tax-efficient way. The exact choice of the contract beneficiary is a crucial element in this case. Your broker will discuss your wishes with you and then propose a tailor-made solution, with the aim of reducing the inheritance tax as much as possible.

U – U choose  

A group insurance policy provides a supplementary pension for the employees of a company. Additional benefits may still be provided in this case, such as work incapacity or death coverage. Some group insurance policies allow workers to choose the benefits themselves. This is referred to as a cafeteria plan.

V - Entrepreneurs' Valhalla  

If you own a company with partners, it is important to protect the partnership from the consequences of the death of one of the partners. This may not only compromise the financial stability of your company, but may also lead to many discussions on shareholding. Finally, compensation for heirs may also cost a significant amount of money. You can avoid all of these problems and questions for your company thanks to a quality death insurance policy for partners. 

W - Worry-free work incapacity

If you are unable to work as a self-employed person due to illness or an accident, you will receive social security benefits, which do not amount to much. Your fixed costs will remain the same, while your income will suddenly be much lower. It is therefore better to take out guaranteed income insurance in order to protect yourself against any financial worries. You will then receive a monthly amount in the event of work incapacity and may deduct the premiums as a professional expense.

X - X Factor

The talent war certainly does not make it easy for companies to attract and retain the best talent. Group insurance can certainly be an important motivation in this case and can be a company's X factor. A group insurance policy allows you to save for a supplementary pension and to benefit from additional guarantees through your employer. A group insurance policy also pays much more than a similar increase in net salary.

Y - Generation Y

Term used to describe people born roughly between 1980 and 1990. This generation seeks a lot of information before buying something and often compares offers from several companies. This also applies to insurance. Fortunately, you do not have to find everything yourself and can use a broker who will examine the market offer and make you a tailor-made proposal. Generation Y also has a perfect command of digital applications, which is an additional advantage for some brokers and insurers. You can access your insurance portfolio and request changes online, use all kinds of useful applications, etc.

Z - Zen

If you wish to invest in life insurance - which of course has its advantages - your broker will first help you to determine your investor profile. This profile will provide an indication of the best and most suitable insurance products for you. This profile will take into account not only your financial situation, but also your risk profile, your knowledge of financial products, etc. 

A life insurance at NN offers you many benefits: discover them here.

In this article

    Vandaag hebben de (onderwijs)bonden het werk neergelegd om pensioenmaatregelen, zoals voorgesteld in de supernota van De Wever, te blokkeren. Hoewel overgangsmaatregelen natuurlijk altijd noodzakelijk zijn voor leerkrachten op een boogscheut van hun pensioen, is een volledige afwijzing van de hervormingen niet de oplossing. Het is niet meer van willen, de volgende regering moét de Belgische pensioenen onder handen nemen. In zijn meest recente cijfers voorspelt de Studiecommissie voor de Vergrijzing dat de pensioenuitgaven bij ongewijzigd beleid zullen stijgen van 11.2% van het bbp in 2023 tot 12.3% in 2029 en 13,7% in 2070 (SCvV, 2024). De extra kosten bedragen ruim 14 miljard euro, waarvan ruim 6 miljard nog voor 2030 komen. Dit maakt duidelijk dat snel ingrijpen noodzakelijk is. Stilstand leidt alleen maar tot een nog groter probleem, dat later met nog zwaardere maatregelen zal moeten worden aangepakt. 

    De huidige pensioenregeling legt een steeds zwaardere druk op de samenleving. We werken te kort om daarna te lang van een pensioen te genieten: gemiddeld 34,5 jaar werken om daarna 24 jaar van ons pensioen te genieten (Eurostat 2022). Ter vergelijking: Nederland registreert een gemiddelde loopbaanduur van 43,2 jaar, Duitsland van 39,3 jaar, en Frankrijk van 36,6 jaar. 

    De supernota biedt drie sleutels om dit aan te pakken: 

    1. Gelijke behandeling, ongeacht het statuut, is een must: om de kosten te drukken, moeten we pensioenrechten sterker koppelen aan het aantal gewerkte jaren via een bonusmalus-systeem. Zo kunnen we langere loopbanen stimuleren zonder een harde verplichting op te leggen. Het is hierbij noodzakelijk om pensioenstelsels voor werknemers, ambtenaren en zelfstandigen gelijk te trekken. Op dit moment krijgen leerkrachten gunstigere voorwaarden (tantièmes) waardoor ze 41-42 jaar moeten werken voor een volledige loopbaan, terwijl werknemers in de privé 45 jaar moeten werken voor lagere pensioenen. Gelijke behandeling, ongeacht het statuut, is een must. Het doel zou moeten zijn dat iedereen 45 jaar werkt. De voorgestelde harmonisering tussen de pensioenstelsels voor werknemers, ambtenaren en zelfstandigen past hierin. Dit is al lang een punt van discussie. Te lang. 

    2. Duidelijker verband tussen arbeid en pensioenopbouw: de afbouw van gelijkgestelde periodes voor brugpensioen, landingsbanen en langdurige werkloosheid is een noodzakelijke maatregel. Mensen moeten gestimuleerd worden om actief te blijven, en deze inactiviteit mag niet langer gelijkstaan aan werk. Dit is uiteraard een moeilijke keuze, maar wel de juiste. 

    3. Hervorm de berekening van de huidige pensioenen: met enkel meer en langer werken, redden we het niet. De regeringsonderhandelaars kijken terecht naar de huidige pensioenen. Hoewel er hier belangrijke stappen worden gezet, zoals bijvoorbeeld het afschaffen van de perequatie, kan de reële groei van de hoogste pensioenen nog verder worden getemperd. Dit zou zorgen voor een eerlijkere verdeling van de lasten tussen jongere en oudere generaties, zonder dat de nominale pensioenen dalen.

    Een oproep tot redelijkheid

    De zorgen van de onderwijsbonden zijn begrijpelijk: niemand wil een hervorming die hun pensioenrechten plots en zonder nuance aantast. Maar hervormingen hoeven niet oneerlijk te zijn. Overgangsmaatregelen kunnen en moeten ervoor zorgen dat mensen de tijd krijgen om zich  aan te passen en aanvullende pensioenpijlers op te bouwen. Wat echter niet kan, is een complete afwijzing van elke hervorming. Zo maken we alleen maar een onmogelijk hoge rekening voor onze jongere generaties die ze op termijn niet meer gaan kunnen betalen. Politieke moed zal nodig zijn om het pensioenstelsel toekomstbestendig te maken. Maar pensioenhervorming mag geen taboe zijn. Het is een kans om een eerlijker, duurzamer en realistisch systeem te creëren dat werkt voor iedereen. Laten we die kans grijpen! 

    Martijn Hoogeweegen, CEO van levensverzekeraar NN
    Colin Sanders, wetenschappelijk medewerker, UHasselt en longevity specialist voor NN 
    Bart Chiau, professor faculteit Economie, UGent en verzekeringsexpert van NN

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